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  1. Kennajustkenna

    My Cat Uses His Litter Box... Sometimes.

    I do have some left over, I think I’ll call my vet tonight and try to get him an appointment and hopefully get that right antibiotics because you’re right, they weren’t able to test his urine. He hasn’t had too bad of a time with his food being in the laundry room, but I feel like he’s done it...
  2. Kennajustkenna

    My Cat Uses His Litter Box... Sometimes.

    Hello! He is nurtured. It’s been a couple months since I have them to him last, I’m thinking about giving them to him again because I have some left over... I feel like he did better on them. When I took him to the vet they couldn’t take a sample because he didn’t have a full bladder. I want to...
  3. Kennajustkenna

    Energetic Cat

    Have you ever heard of feliwayspray? My friend who’s a vet tech recommended this for me because my cat can get a little crazy sometimes but I use it mostly for scratching furniture. It’s supposed to calm them down and make them feel like they are in a safe environment. I would look in to it!
  4. Kennajustkenna

    My Cat Uses His Litter Box... Sometimes.

    I need help. My 7 month old cat has been peeing outside of his box. I thought that it was just accidental at first because he does sometimes use his box really well. After I’ve noticed I took him to the vet, they gave me medicine for UTI just Incase it was that but they weren’t for sure if it...