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  1. AngeleK

    Help! My kitten likes to play with her poop!

    the lemon water is a great idea too! I'll look into that : ) I'm so glad everyone here has such great suggestions, my local pet shop had NO IDEA what to do lol They have great quality food but other than that it's really geared more towards dogs :/
  2. AngeleK

    Help! My kitten likes to play with her poop!

    I think the kibble thing might be a good idea, we will try that soon. She usually has a snack out at night but maybe if she has to look for it she will feel less bored. Last night we played classical music for her and she seemed a bit calmer, so that seems to help too.
  3. AngeleK

    Help! My kitten likes to play with her poop!

    OH well that makes sense. She does seem highly intelligent in our opinion, maybe she just needs more complicated toys? Do you have any suggestions for something Erissa enjoys? She also tends to behave and lay down until I close the bedroom door at bedtime. She immediately starts acting up and...
  4. AngeleK

    Help! My kitten likes to play with her poop!

    Wouldn't that just encourage her to play in the box more? We want to eliminate the behavior entirely
  5. AngeleK

    Help! My kitten likes to play with her poop!

    Our kitty will pull it out, and sometimes it gets stuck between the side of the litter box and the wall, under the edge of the box rim (one of those detachable ones to make the sides higher). She then runs around the box until she knocks it aside and can play with the poop. The worst part is...
  6. AngeleK

    Help! My kitten likes to play with her poop!

    My cat is almost 4 years old and she still gets her poop out to play with at night! During the day it isn't an issue, but we've taken to closing the door to the bathroom until she asks to go, which she is very good about, and leaving the door open at night. I always clean the box before bed, but...