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  1. A

    My Cat Has Been Missing 8 Days Now

    For some reason stray & dumped cats always end up at my place and I end up having to deal with them even though I live on my own & I'm not in the best of health (dialysis & a kidney transplant in the past 13 yrs). Thankfully until Micky got dumped here, I hadn't had to deal with one for a few...
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    My Cat Has Been Missing 8 Days Now

    I'm an ex-christian turned agnostic so I don't really know if there's a kitty heaven or a Rainbow Bridge or not but it's a nice thought so thank you. I do hope he's up there somewhere having a lovely time & that I'll be reunited with him again. But I can't help feeling he should be here on Earth...
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    My Cat Has Been Missing 8 Days Now

    Well, I finally seem to have found out what happened to Micky and sadly it's not good news. It seems he was killed on the road on the weekend of 10th-11th Nov. This morning I put some flyers in neighbourhood mailboxes and a lady across the road has rung to tell me she saw a cat who looked like...
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    My Cat Has Been Missing 8 Days Now

    Thank you for your reply mrsgreenjeens. Sadly Micky still hasn't come home and it will be 12 days today so I'm fearing the worst. Because he's an intact male & it's spring here, I think he's most likely gone after a female in heat. But I'm not sure how long tomcats can be away for. I'm hoping...
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    My Cat Has Been Missing 8 Days Now

    I feel so guilty about it because I hadn't had him desexed so the most likely reason he's gone missing is he's off chasing females. I've had cats all my life but never had a tomcat before (my mother had one but I was only 5 then so I don't remember him very well but I do remember her burying...
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    My Cat Has Been Missing 8 Days Now

    My cat Micky went missing on 10th November and for the past week I've been an absolute basket case worrying about him. He's only a young cat. I'm not sure how old exactly because he was dumped at my place in March this year. At that time he was bone thin, his spine & hip bones were prominent...