Search Results

  1. M

    Lymphoma - How To Tell If It's Time? :(

    Thank you so much for your responses. I'm sorry to hear about your losses @kitty chew and @Twinks113 :( @FeebysOwner thanks for the tip, I will have a search. Yes he's still on both the prednisolone and leukeran. I asked the vet about upping the dosage but he said at this stage if it's not...
  2. M

    Lymphoma - How To Tell If It's Time? :(

    Hi everyone, I just came across this website when looking for information about lymphoma for my beautiful kitty, Leo. Leo will be turning 8 years old on 16 December 2018 and was diagnosed with intestinal (GI) lymphoma about 4 weeks ago. The vet said I could get further testing to diagnose...