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  1. L

    Reverse Sneezing?

    thanks for response, i hear allergy in cats is very rare though. Somehow I also thought that allergy would result in normal sneezing rather than reverse sneezing. As you know when you try to self diagnose you can really freak yourself out. So the mystery continues. Glad both of your kitties...
  2. L

    Reverse Sneezing?

    Have they been diagnosed with anything? My vet said antibiotics he would not prescribe as it is unlikely an infection. I dont know if it can be just a virus without any discharge at all. He also sleeps quietly - so his nose does not seem full. I worry it can be a nasal tumour?
  3. L

    We Still Don't Know What's Wrong With Her. (with Video!)

    Hi, what is the update on Pebbles? My cat started reverse sneezing, no discharge, nothing, vet said we can rule infection out.
  4. L

    Reverse Sneezing?

    I know this is an old discussion, but wonder if it went away or how has it been treated? i have a 10 year old male cat that started reverse sneezing 10 days ago. Been to the vets 2x an they dont know, because there is no discharge at all, the upper respiratory infection / virus can be ruled out...