Search Results

  1. W

    Post-spay and my kitten refuses the cone and bites at stitches.

    Well, I sure didn’t think this would be an issue. This cat is a gosh darn angel - never thought I wouldn’t be able to get a cone on her. So I took her home from the vet’s after her spay, oh, maybe 3 hours ago and all was well at first. Then she started biting at her incision. Well, shit. Okay...
  2. W

    Rabies risk

    Forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post in. So for context, I have a lot of health anxiety, as will probably be evident. If you read my last post, you will know I have recently come into the care of yet another stray kitten found within a car engine (she’s doing alright, by the way! Just...
  3. W

    Possibly abandoned kitten?

    Hi all. The past few nights I have heard a kitten meowing excessively for hours on and off. Usually for the better portion of an hour at a time. Obviously this tugs at the heart strings so last night I went obsessively searching and found what looks to be around a 4-5week old kitten that was...
  4. W

    Orphaned 3wk Old Kitten And Fleas

    Hi all! Been lurking a bit and was hoping to get some help with an orphaned 3 week old kitten we recently found wandering a pipe yard. We have taken her to the vet and overall she is fairly healthy except that she has fleas! I have never dealt with fleas so obviously I'm more than a bit...