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  1. Egooch

    Foster Mom

    I was just looking at them, and there little booties looked damp and clean!! I think we have a successful momma!!
  2. Egooch

    Foster Mom

    Is it possible she’s cleaning them when I’m just not “paying attention”? The reason I got a little worried, is I was trying to sex one and it looked like there was some poop on it's bottom.
  3. Egooch

    Foster Mom

    I had to finally get her out of my closet at like 3/4 hours bc I was worried. Every feeding schedule I’ve seen says newborns should be every 2 hours. So I put her in the cage with them and kind of had to help her along by putting her on her side and putting the babies on her stomach. But it only...
  4. Egooch

    Foster Mom

    The problem is she’s a foster so she’s not used to me. She bolts the few times I’ve tried to pet her or pick her up! She was in the same exact cage at he shelter. :(
  5. Egooch

    Foster Mom

    Okay y’all, so I decided to foster a mom cat and her newborn kittens(4). They were born just yesterday morning! The mom cat is fairly young, definitely less than a year! She was nursing and sleeping with kittens at the shelter, so I know she knows how. But since I’ve had them home(only about 2...