Search Results

  1. veganeh

    Cat peeing outside litter box

    Our 8 year old cat suddenly began peeing outside the box a few weeks ago. We moved in August and went from using 2 boxes to 1 (but we have two cats). At first I thought he might be ill but as soon as we put the second litter box out it stopped - great! But now 3 weeks later he has peed AND...
  2. veganeh

    Wheezing/peeing outside litter

    Hi there, 2.5 weeks ago we has reason to believe our 8 year old cat ate floss. I found a piece on the floor and he was hiding/wheezing. We were terrified but within a couple hours he was acting normal and we felt confident that if he did eat some, he threw it up. He’s been perfectly normal for...
  3. veganeh

    Cat behaviour around baby

    My daughter is 7.5 months old and I’ve noticed a change in one of our cats’ behaviour now that she is crawling. Anakin (our cat) will come sit in my lap when I’m playing with my daughter on the floor each morning. I’ll pet him for a bit but eventually get up so I can make breakfast. He used to...
  4. veganeh

    Pics Of Your Cat(s) Giving You Allllll The Love!

    We have two cats, but our older boy (Anakin) has got to be THE MOST affectionate cat I have come across in my life. I thought it would be fun for everyone to share photos of oir cats loving up on us! Here are some of my favourites: Giving me loads of “boops”.