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  1. Sheeba82

    Contest August Picture Of The Month: Cats Hiding!

    Entry - simba says ... Plz dont cut this fabric its my hiding place ..
  2. Sheeba82

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    Thanx ... I am new to this i dont have any knowledge about breeds i just know that it is persian
  3. Sheeba82

    My Kitten Has Some Pink Bump

    Thanx for reply ... I ve sent pics to my vet he said its scabies and prescribed me an antifungal lotion my concern is what if my kitty lick the lotion ? As when i applied he immediately licked it what should i do? I ve applied twice since yesterday to the bald spot .his leg is getting...
  4. Sheeba82

    My Kitten Has Some Pink Bump

    My 5 month old kitten has pink small bump surrounded by black dots these are all over his belly and other than that he has bald patch on his front leg I have no idea what's going on with him