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  1. Nalatsh

    Cat Aggression

    Thank you for those ideas tbh, if they let me put in a cat door I will definitely look into what you mentioned but yeah I dont see much else happening until I move tbh may just have to start looking, the cat comes inside way to often
  2. Nalatsh

    Cat Aggression

    I went and knocked on their door today and asked bc all sorts of things have come up like fleas which I got treatment for today and she had a claw behind her wee ear, but they said yes their male cat is spayed, Nala is not but I do have an appointment for her in two weeks time to get it done and...
  3. Nalatsh

    Cat Aggression

    Hi guys I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice and what to do about my landlords cat who lives behind (male) we moved in with Nala my cat who is 9 months old and the other cat chases her the second he sees her every time she's outside, even into the house, he terrifies her and I think has...