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    Feral Kitten Won't Eat

    I'll have a really nice update tomorrow! A lot has happened with Molly and something exciting is being done tomorrow! :D
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    Feral Kitten Won't Eat

    Ah, sorry for my lack of updates. I feel like a mother. Everytime she makes the tiniest mew, my heart feels like it stops for just a moment until I know my little lady is alright. She's starting to open up and really gain a personality. Her eyes have started clearing though I am still worried...
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    Thank you for the warm welcome! I might as well add another photo of Cotton being her regal self.
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    Feral Kitten Won't Eat

    Thank you for all your responses. I really appreciate it. The little kitten did manage to see a vet(thankfully!) They were booked but I explained what was going on and they worked it in immediately. The vet cleaned out the kitten's eyes, though the bloody one may be a lost cause. I was given...
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    Feral Kitten Won't Eat

    There is an emergency vet that I really looked into when I found kitten 2. The problem is, I am a bit young. Eighteen. while I am the one putting forth the money for everything the kittens needed as well a see planning to pay the vet bills, I have to have my parents approval of which vet I take...
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    Feral Kitten Won't Eat

    This was kitten number one. Kitten number two. And kitten number three, my current survivor, at the bottom of the box.
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    Greetings. Okay, before I even introduce myself I want to say that this site and the people on it have been an amazing gift to me for the past three days despite only joining today. I've found so many answers to questions about a trio of kittens in my care on here. Now then. My name is Taylor...
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    Feral Kitten Won't Eat

    Hello! Over the past three days I have been desperately trying to save a litter of three kittens. I would estimate they are around four weeks old though with their eyes so nasty it's hard to tell. Temperatures here have risen into the hundreds and the feral mom abandoned them on the top floor...