Search Results

  1. Shikaslate

    Buying A Siberian Kitten From A Breeder

    Beautiful! Where did you get your cat from? Hiya! I'm the original poster of this thread. I got my Siberian from Svetdanhaus in Lousiana. 1) what are your thoughts on having the cat shipped if a breeder is quite far away? I'm in California and as I said prior, the breeder in Lousiana. We were...
  2. Shikaslate

    I'm Looking For A Good Carrier For My Cat.

    @rascalshadownj2 yeah the zippers on this thing are pretty heavy duty. Doubtful that she can get out if she wanted to but she likes being in there anyway lol. It stays out all the time so its one of her beds now haha
  3. Shikaslate

    I'm Looking For A Good Carrier For My Cat.

    So we got the Sleepypod carrier for my kitten. The standard one--which I got--holds up to 15lbs and they have another one that fits up to 18lbs. The carriers can withstand a 30mph car crash when strapped in correctly. There are some comparison videos you can watch on youtube by searching pet...
  4. Shikaslate

    Cats In The Role Of An Ornament

    Shika in her own portrait
  5. Shikaslate

    Can I Keep A Cat In My Room?

    My sister kept her new kitten in her room while he adjusted to his new living situation. Unfortunately, he was quite a wild child and kept attacking her while she tried to sleep or relax. He would also track litter everywhere even on her bed. That said, I feel like there are moderately easy...
  6. Shikaslate

    Which Name Should I Choose For My Kitten

    Binx or Binxie based off the character Thackery Binx from the movie Hocus Pocus
  7. Shikaslate

    Pine Pellet Cat Litter Disposing

    Gross! Sorry about the maggot problem. Do you bag the poop? I use doggie bags to bag up the poop, tie them, and toss them into the large trash can that the garbage service empties every week. No smell, no maggots, no dirty trash can, no problems. The doggie bags can be found in any pet store...
  8. Shikaslate

    Teeth Care?

    So my vet told me that I can wrap some gauze--any gauze--around my finger and do the brushings with cat toothpaste which I bought online, but also found at the pet store. They said to do it daily just like human teeth, but even doing it sometimes is better than not doing it all. I'm sure they...
  9. Shikaslate

    Festival of TOYS!! Post a photo of your kitten or cat with their latest or greatest favorite TOY!

    Shika is enamored with this realistic mouse toy called the Da Rat. She'll go extremely crazy for it--so much so that we have to put it away after a bit because of how intense she is with it. Its made of deer fur so it must have a type of prey scent on it that attracts her predator instincts...
  10. Shikaslate

    Cat Photos: Fail!

    @KarenKat @1CatOverTheLine oh my gosh you guys I'm dying from laughter here :crackup:
  11. Shikaslate

    Cat Photos: Fail!

    Here's Shika learning that computer chairs rotate
  12. Shikaslate

    Short Diary Of A Feral Kitten Slowly Learning About Human Kindness

    HAPPY UPDATE! I've been monitoring the cat rescue's social media for any updates on our rescue every once in a while. I had not seen any updates on her and I feared the worst: serious disease/congenital defect/etc that would bar her from adoption. Finally after a month, I discover she has been...
  13. Shikaslate

    Post Your Bird's Eye View

    Shika plays with this toy when she's getting tired but still wants to play @golondrina I agree--I don't think staring back means possibly aggravating our kitty friends. I think that in the nonverbal cat world, staring and making eye contact is a form of standard communication. And what they...
  14. Shikaslate

    Tricks And Treats

    I've been training Shika to get into her carrier at the command "Go to Bed", to come when called, and now to sit. In the very near future, I'll teach her how to lay down then all of them combined (hopefully). She successfully & consistently does the first two! My tips are: Use a soft sound...
  15. Shikaslate

    What Are Your Cats Doing Right Now?

    Shika is sleeping on all the paperwork her new vet gave me that I intended to read :nono::crackup:
  16. Shikaslate

    Post Your Best Cat Loaf

    @Katie M very true! She cries at me like this every morning until I pet and hold her. I like to think she's mad at me for not giving her attention for 8 hours while I sleep
  17. Shikaslate

    Post Your Best Cat Loaf

    A fresh baked Shika loaf waits for me every morning
  18. Shikaslate

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    Is there room for dilutes here? :D
  19. Shikaslate

    Our Siberian Kitten Is Home!

    After a 26 hour drive, our Shika was "delivered" to our door! She zipped around everywhere (and cried). Her coat is too gorgeous that I cannot capture its beauty with a mere phone camera lol She's a little blue smoke torbie with very light-colored red splotches. And soft as a feather...
  20. Shikaslate

    What's The Pattern Name For My Community Cat?

    Thanks for the answer!! They have somewhere between a medium to long hair coat. They also have a brownish fluffy tail. I'll be attempting to trap him/her this weekend to find out for sure.