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  1. Talha

    Uti Issues After Catheterisation

    Thanks everyone for their suggestions.It was a great help.@silkenpaw vet had him off his meds and after that I visited him twice he did not suggest any antibiotic except citralka syp but I think may be u r right. And also here in pakistan vets prescribe human antibiotics because there are none...
  2. Talha

    Urgent Help Required....nervous About Cat's Urinary Blockage Recovery

    @DreamerRose Ok thank you. Will keep u posted
  3. Talha

    Uti Issues After Catheterisation

    @DreamerRose Thank u very much for the reply. And yes I m feeding him wet food and he is drinking water and I m mixing water in milk so to keep him hydrated.but the vet have him off the antibiotics except citralka syp which I m giving him. Also his behaviour is normal so should I start...
  4. Talha

    Urgent Help Required....nervous About Cat's Urinary Blockage Recovery

    @DreamerRose please help in this matter
  5. Talha

    Uti Issues After Catheterisation

    This is my first post to this forum.My boy Sam is a 2 year male and have been treated for UTI (urinary tract infection) for the last 10 days. I live in here we don't have any hospitals for animals just the doctors. Sam was catheterized for two days and since then he is not behaving...
  6. Talha

    Urgent Help Required....nervous About Cat's Urinary Blockage Recovery

    @blueyedgirl5946 please help in this matter
  7. Talha

    Urgent Help Required....nervous About Cat's Urinary Blockage Recovery

    @maggiedemi Yes, I m feeding him boiled chicken and chicken soup and also he is drinking water not a lot but he likes to have chicken soup so there is no issue of dehydration but I am worried abt small amounts of pee. I don't know if he is recovering or not that is the main issue if u can help...
  8. Talha

    Urgent Help Required....nervous About Cat's Urinary Blockage Recovery

    @maggiedemi Yes the vet did give him antibitoics and he did eat a lot of dry food
  9. Talha

    Urgent Help Required....nervous About Cat's Urinary Blockage Recovery

    This is my first post to this forum.My boy Sam is a 2 year male and have been treated for UTI (urinary tract infection) for the last 10 days. I live in here we don't have any hospitals for animals just the doctors. Sam was catheterized for two days and since then he is not behaving...