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  1. E

    Liver Disease

    Thank you I have been trying out different foods because she seems to loose intrest in something relatively fast right now she is doing well with fresh pet natural food and some "cat mousse" She is already gaining some weight back and looks healthier.
  2. E

    Liver Disease

    Yeah I definitely can not take her with me unfortunately, as I am part of an athletic team and I am required to stay in the dorms for the first year otherwise I would've gotten an apartment so I could bring her. I wish I could keep her with me but I know that is just not possible and it is...
  3. E

    Liver Disease

    I also was wondering if the vets gave you any meds to help. I was offered none so I am using liver rescue drops, that contains milk thistle and other natural ingredients, that I put on a treat each morning and night to hopefully help her.
  4. E

    Liver Disease

    That gives me so much hope! Thank you!
  5. E

    Liver Disease

    That awesome that Mika is getting better! You are awesome for taking care of her!! And Thank you so much for all the information. The vet never told me her jaundice levels only that she was showing signs of it, her ears and around them are yellow, so I'm guessing it would be pretty high...
  6. E

    Liver Disease

    Thank you! I will take a look at that and hopefully find some good food options for her!
  7. E

    Liver Disease

    Astrid is actually doing so amazing! She even woke me up at 5 this morning because she wanted to eat! The vets I have all gone to have told me almost the same thing that they told you, that she was incredibly sick and one even suggested having her put down. I am so glad I haven't though as she...
  8. E

    Liver Disease

    Thank you! Is there a way to know how much protein she needs? She is starting to eat about a small can of food a day which is a huge improvement from before so I stopped giving her my own mixture also cause she lost interest in it. I also have named her Astrid which means "Divine strength" and...
  9. E

    Liver Disease

    The vet gave me cans of prescription dietary care ad urgent care soft food and told me too avoid other foods, however I have started making my own version of kitten glop and high protein easily digestible food that she likes better and eats more of, she has also really perked up after eating...
  10. E

    Liver Disease

    Hello, I have her on special dietary care wet food right now however she doesn't eat very much, she does however drink goats milk well. I will look up kitten glop recipes. It is not hot where I am so she stay cool. Thank you!
  11. E

    Liver Disease

    I found a very sick cat after nursing her somewhat back to health and no owner coming forward to claim her I decided to take her to the vet, it turns out she is in the late stages of liver disease and can not be cured. She will need hundreds of dollars of more testing to figure out what caused...
  12. E

    Need Help With Very Sick Cat

    Thank you this is what I have been doing when I syringe feed her. Nutro kitten food mixed with some raw goats milk I got from a local farm and warm water. I will try some meat baby food as well to see if she will eat it by herself.
  13. E

    Need Help With Very Sick Cat

    Thank you guys, I have water and wet food available for her at all times in an area where she has easy access. Also I have tried a couple other vets however they recommend the shelter, were she would be put down since her medical bills would be so high. This is partially the other problem I only...
  14. E

    Need Help With Very Sick Cat

    Hello! The other day I found a very sick cat lying in the grass close to my house, I took her home and immediately noticed some major red flags. I took her to the vet to first be scanned for a chip, which she had none then to get her help, however I was offered none. They said she was blind, had...