Search Results

  1. Harlow Barlow

    Looking for Advice on Pet Insurance

    She is about 3-4 years old. I know it is highly uncommon for a cat her age to have hyperthyroidism, but all her symptoms line up. The only thing she has been to the vet for was almost 2 years ago for a minor eye irritation. My serious cost concerns involve repeated vet visits, regular blood...
  2. Harlow Barlow

    Looking for Advice on Pet Insurance

    I am fairly certain my cat has hyperthyroidism, but I have not had her diagnosed. I am uncertain on whether or not pet insurance would be a good option. I know that I would have to get insurance before taking her to the vet for official testing. I don't really understand pet insurance very well...
  3. Harlow Barlow


    Nothing has changed. Same litter, same food, and the are indoor only cats.
  4. Harlow Barlow


    Hi, I am looking for some advice. My cat is sneezing a lot. It has been going on for a few days. Other than the sneezing, there seems to be nothing else wrong. She hasn't been acting differently, and my other cat isn't having any issues. Is this something I need to be concerned about?