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  1. T

    Does Anyone Else Give Their Cats Nicknames?

    i have two cats. one has been missing for over a month now but he’s still my baby and i’m not losing hope that i will find him.. anyway, here are my cats’ nicknames chibi (the one who is missing) - cheebz, cheeb meister, gary (the snail), cheebz dweeb, garfield (his favorite treat is lasagna)...
  2. T

    Cat Has Cluster Seizures

    let me start from the back ground. my cat is 1 year old and 3 or 4 months. he was an inside/outside cat up until the fiasco that happened last night. a few days ago he came home with what sounded like a sore throat. he just sounded raspy when he meowed but showed no other ill symptoms so i...