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  1. rifati

    Cat Spay Incision - Help!

    My cat's incision was same, i wash it with NaCl once a day. It helped
  2. rifati

    Urgent!! Pls Help

    We called him but he is not answering. We dont have here any emergency clinic ☹️ Don't know what to do. Do you think that she is poisoned?
  3. rifati

    Urgent!! Pls Help

    My friend's cat is not feeling well. She is sleeping all the time. Her legs has no balance when she try to walk. She is very tired.She drink joghurt and water. Vet is closed now can you help please if you have any idea what to do
  4. rifati

    My Cat Was Spayed Nine Days Ago. Can You Help Please

    Thank you so so much! Hope she get well soon ☹️
  5. rifati

    My Cat Was Spayed Nine Days Ago. Can You Help Please

    There is only one suture left. Don't know if you can see it the one with dark purple color. Thank you so much
  6. rifati

    My Cat Was Spayed Nine Days Ago. Can You Help Please

    I am worried about my cats wound. I start to clean it with iodine. What do you think does it look better now?
  7. rifati

    Is My Cats Incision Infected?

    Hi everyone!! what do you think is her wound better now? Thank you for your asnwers
  8. rifati

    Is My Cats Incision Infected?

    Thank you very much. I'm scared for her and tomorrow i wil contact my vet. Thank you very much. So hal Thank you so much for your answer. She was spayed eight day ago, do you think she still can open?
  9. rifati

    Is My Cats Incision Infected?

    She doesn't want to wear the collar, keeps pulling it off then going for her stitches☹️ I will try it again, thank you!!
  10. rifati

    Is My Cats Incision Infected?

    I will contact the vet tomorrow ofc. No just a regular spay. Thank you
  11. rifati

    Is My Cats Incision Infected?

    Another photo of her incision. What do you think? Tomorrow i will contact him. Thank you
  12. rifati

    Is My Cats Incision Infected?

    Today is one week since my little cat got spayed. I didn't put a cone on her. Do you think everything is ok with her incision. She is very active and she eats a lot! Thank you