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  1. A

    In Africa, Have A 6 Week Old Kitten That Won't Eat

    She peed in the litter box once, because I caught her peeing elsewhere and immediately brought her to the box. So she finished there. Great advice! If she like outside the box again I'll definitely put it the box and let her check that out. And no she's completely warmed up to us- she is...
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    In Africa, Have A 6 Week Old Kitten That Won't Eat

    Stefanz- Yea! Videos of 6 week olds look a big bigger, move active/secure on their feet that her- I also think she is 5 weeks. Her hind legs and a tad weak and I've seen them shake.. She does look all scruntched up in that picture because she was actually scratching with one back foot, curling...
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    In Africa, Have A 6 Week Old Kitten That Won't Eat

    Everyone, thank you all so much! I couldn' find the goats milk at the nearest grocery store, so I picked up infant formula and doubled up the formula to water ratio. I am feeding it to her with a bulb syringe since that's all I have for now. I can travel into town within the next few days to...
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    In Africa, Have A 6 Week Old Kitten That Won't Eat

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I'm an American currently living in West Africa, and I adopted a 6 week old kitten today. They told me the mother has stopped nursing it and to give it milk. < This kitten is much younger than what I thought I was getting (the older kitten ran away...