Search Results

  1. Wenda

    Traveling With Cats

    I know cats enjoy routine and their environment, but I was just curious if anybody has experience with traveling routinely with their cat? If someone had a lifestyle that involved a lot of traveling could a cat ever be happy tagging along or would they be better of being babysat at home? I...
  2. Wenda

    Hi There

    Hey guys, I just signed up for this site today, but I've been reading articles on it ever since I found my kitten Ares. He's a pretty cool boy, totally spoiled, but very friendly and outgoing. I'm hoping to be able to train him to go on walks with me as soon as I can find a harness that fits...
  3. Wenda

    Ethical Delima

    Okay, so back in late January I found a two and a half month old kitten outside my door at my apartment complex. It was a cold day and he was meowing his head off. I looked around and absolutely no one was around, so I picked up the baby and went canvassing the neighborhood in case he escaped...