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  1. MaggiesMommy


    My 5 month old kitten was put on it today and did the exact same thing started foaming at the mouth an took off
  2. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    Does the yogurt bother their tummy since it's a dairy product Maggie eats any and everything so pretty sure she would love yogurt... I baked a cake yesterday and made homemade icing, I dropped a little bit of icing and before I could clean it up she ate it lol
  3. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    Where do i get the probiotics from and thanks for the response
  4. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    They prescribed ponazuril 90mg/ml for 2 days she has been dewormed several times when they checked the poop I took they saw no worms just the coccidia... she's a rescue someone had multiple kittens of different ages and older cats along with several dogs locked in the basement of a motel...
  5. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    Thank u and we are planning to try new food if the gas persists
  6. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    Now if she stops passing horrible clear the room gas when she's excited or nervous would be nice she's a stinky little girl they said she may grow out of it I've never had a cat who farts make u wanna vomit lol
  7. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    Thank u both.. I took Maggie to the vet and I was smart and took her poop with me she doesn't have worms but she does have coccidia. They prescribed her some medicine to take and unless the bleeding continues she won't need to go back... She got her 1st rabies and distemper shots also. We found...
  8. MaggiesMommy

    Kitten Has Some Bleeding Possibly From Her Anus

    I have a kitten who is roughly 4-6 months old she's a happy kitty full of energy and very lovable we haven't had a vet visit yet because we just got her. She seems overall healthy she has a huge appetite also. Tonight she was on the couch I was eating a sandwich and gave her a tiny piece of the...