Search Results

  1. S

    9 Mth Torti Sweetheart... All Joints Are Deteriorating

    $1700.00 later and so many test It would take me 10 minutes to type them all.... but think we have a Dx. Hyperparathyroidism. Allegedly this is very rare in dogs and even more rare in cats. Extremely low to NIL vitamin D and ***thyroid level is non existent. ... yet calcium level was ok...
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    9 Mth Torti Sweetheart... All Joints Are Deteriorating

    Negative for fungal infection. This morning she is having surgery to have the bone scrapping done. I know there is a medical name for this... but I don't know it. Blood panel attached. Looks like UT Knoxville is the best in Tennessee and I'm about 5 hours away from them. Will mention to the...
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    9 Mth Torti Sweetheart... All Joints Are Deteriorating

    This kitten is under the care of a vet. I'm just looking for anyone that has experienced this issue... or has suggestions on what we can test for next. I am the founder of a cat/kitten rescue. Aug 2017 ... 3 week old female... huge open wound right hip... Looked like an abscess that...
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    Kitten with Swollen Joints on All 4 Legs

    I would love to find out what the Dx was ... I am the founder of a cat/kitten rescue. Aug 2017 ... 3 week old female... huge opening right hip... Looked like an abscess that ruptured---but you could nearly see the bone. X ray at that time showed no broken bone. 2 months later - xray showed...
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    Dosage for Marquis Paste for 3.5 pound kittens

    Please share what you found!