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  1. K

    Grooming Advice

    I’ll have to look into that brush! I do have one with the metal bristles, she doesn’t mind it, in fact I think it may be over stimulating for her because she wants to rub all over it and not let me be in control of actually brushing her. I can get a few side swipes in as she walks back and forth...
  2. K

    Grooming Advice

    The first picture is the day I brought her home and the second is from about a week ago :) there’s a lot of her to love lol!
  3. K

    Grooming Advice

    I am using the same vet since they are familiar with her and her needs! I like to think it’ll be less stressful for her since she *knows* the place even though it’s not her favorite. Thank you so much I will definitely look into it! I really want a good cut for her this time.
  4. K

    Grooming Advice

    My Bella is a huge, 18lb, 11 year old, half Maine coon who hates being touched not on her own terms and definitely is against picking up/grooming etc. The shelter I adopted her from said every six months they take her to the vet to have her sedated and shaved because her fur starts to get matted...
  5. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    There is definitely a big difference between when she is loving and rubbing and will give little love nips and the times she has lashed out. When she bites lightly she's purring and seems content and I don't mind, although my boyfriend is now terrified she's going to bite him again and he's...
  6. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Sorry I've been MIA - I've had internet issues but finally have them resolved. I think Bella is just one bipolar kitty. Every time I think we're making progress she throws a curve ball at me. She will just have random bits of aggression and she actually just tried to bite me and my boyfriend...
  7. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    I forgot to add --- when Hunter got up this morning he found her IN HER CAT BED FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! I was so happy I almost cried! Baby steps!!!
  8. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Just an update; I had to attend a conference overnight from Thursday to this morning and Bella bit my boyfriend while I was gone :( I knew she would be anxious with me being gone for so long and I'm upset because I know if this happens one more time he will be done and I will probably have to...
  9. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Those articles were incredibly helpful! I'm almost completely convinced now that Bella's main issue is separation anxiety. Every story in the article I could relate to a part of Bell'a behavior as well. In one of the stress relief articles I saw an option for Feliway. Have any of you or someone...
  10. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    From the second I open the bedroom door in the morning to the second I leave the apartment for the day, she is at my side. She usually jumps on the couch if she sees me heading toward it before I've ever sat down. If I get to the couch before she does, sit down, and then get up as she's jumping...
  11. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Both times it happened where she started growling/hissing on my lap was when she had been sleeping and just woken up. Although she has woken up on my lap before and been fine as well. She will be sitting there, looking away from me, and I'll make the motion to get up, and she immediately is...
  12. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Bella has been really good the last couple of days. I was home all day today without having to leave to go to class or work. We have just hung out on the couch and watched tv. She was good all night about letting me up when I needed to without growling or hissing. But just now, the very last...
  13. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I really hope I can help her but I am worried. I have a bed for her, tower with a cavity she can enter as well, scratching posts, and several toys strung throughout. She is not interested in any of these things, even though at the shelter the...
  14. K

    11 Year Old Bella Showing Serious Signs Of Aggression

    Hello all, (Backstory of Bella) This is going to be quite lengthy because I want to make sure I include every detail of Bella's behavior because I am so desperate for help. I have recently adopted Bella from a local shelter. I went in looking for a kitten, but after hearing Bella's story, it...