Search Results

  1. B

    Age Of My Cat

    can never truly know. the vet may take a look at his/her teeth and guess.
  2. B

    Death Of Cat

    Thanks :) I've been trying to find out for days what the problem could've been but i think i should stop doing that. The thing that bothered me was how bad he looked as the days went on. At least he had a long good life.
  3. B

    I Miss Him.

    sorry for your loss. lost my cat on new years day, at least he made it to 2018. i watched him have a massive seizure then rang the emergency vet to have him put down. as soon as i got off the phone he apparently had another huge seizure and died. i feel guilty because i know i should've called...
  4. B

    Death Of Cat

    Has anybody experienced a cat that has had anisocoria that has led to horner's syndrome? My elderly cat had this and he deteriorated very quickly since i noticed his right eye was dilated. He started to look like he was drugged up, shaking his head (very irritated) and pawing at his eye or ear...