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  1. Diana03

    Cat Will Only Eat Chicken! Help Please

    Hehe thanks :D
  2. Diana03

    Cat Will Only Eat Chicken! Help Please

    Thank you very much guys. My boy likes raw meat and raw bones, but yeah,i must add other stuff in there. About the milk, it's cow milk. I've never seen goat milk at the shop. I just came home from the pet shop and brought him a pack of tuna and prawn from Applaws but he didnt even touch it...
  3. Diana03

    Cat Will Only Eat Chicken! Help Please

    I feed him plain chicken. I can't afford to buy him canned cat food. I only buy that as a treat, a few times a month.And that's the reason i want him to eat other stuff, because i know plain chicken is not enough. None of the brands you told me about are available here, anyways. I live in...
  4. Diana03

    Cat Will Only Eat Chicken! Help Please

    My 10 month old cat only eats chicken. All i can manage to put in him besides chicken is like 20 ml milk every few days(because he doesnt really like it,of course) and some kitten dry food,which he only eats at night when there is nobody around to give him chicken(but not much,maybe 15g). He is...
  5. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Cool,thanks! :D I can easily feel the ribs(cant see them tho), but his belly is flabby,not going upwards. May be because his belly is very fluffy compared to the rest of his body.
  6. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Cow milk. I've never seen goat milk in shops here. If i want goat milk i guess i have to ask a farmer for it. But i guess he's okay with cow milk,he never had problems with it and he loves it so much!
  7. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Alright,thank you :purr:
  8. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    He sometimes eats it immediately,other times he takes a few bites and leaves it there. So i guess he's okay,not starving.
  9. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Neo, i think he weights around 4 kg,maybe a little more. I haven't checked recently,but 1 month ago he weighted 3,4 kg. And i feed him 300 kcals a day i think. I'm not sure because i don't measure the food. He eats 1 chicken leg per day(or half a chicken leg and some fish) and 1 bowl of dry...
  10. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Haha,i'm very happy to hear that. Thank you!
  11. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Thank you very much Purr-fect :D
  12. Diana03

    Is My Kitten Too Skinny?

    Is my 7 month old cat too skinny or does he have a slim build? He is eating 3 times a day(2 meals meat,1 meal dry kitten food) and he gets lots of Dreamies as a treat. I'm 100% sure he doesnt have internal parasites because he gets a pill for that every month. I sometimes replace one of the...