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  1. FurrMamaOf5


    My momma kitty Princess was hit by a car... Luckily only her tail was injured.. we took her to the vet immidetly to get her checked out. We already know she would loose part of her tail.. it was hanging by only a few strings.. well he ended up cutting about a 3rd off. She doesn't seem to care...
  2. FurrMamaOf5

    7 Month Old Kitty Eye Cold

    Last night before bed.. I tried a tea bag on her eye. Then I wiped away the extra liquid.. well she did great all night & morning.. all day today.. until about an hour ago.. so I cleaned her right eye again. Did the same thing.. looked at her left eye & noticed just a little of what seems to...
  3. FurrMamaOf5

    7 Month Old Kitty Eye Cold

    Okay. Is there anything I can do for her until then? I got my 3 cats & my dog fixed Monday.. I don't get paid again until this Friday. Her eye looks a little better.. but Iv made sure to clean every 4/5 hours! I appreciate the help & so does she ❤ I'm terrified if I wait.. it will damage her...
  4. FurrMamaOf5

    7 Month Old Kitty Eye Cold

    Heyy! I really need some help! I had my 7 month old kitten spayed on Monday. Well she likes to find her way into the fridge.. most times we catch her other times she hides & we don't see her. We have since blocked the bottom shelf so she can't get in quick enough for us not to see her. Well...