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  1. K

    Issues With Cat's Ears?

    Hi everyone, For about the past month or so, my 2 year old cat has had issues with her ears. She started out twitching her ears a lot, and having her skin twitch as well and she would run around the room. She would start excessively cleaning herself too. I took her to the vet after a few days...
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    My childhood cat used to sit up on the fridge and open the cabinet above the fridge and hide in there all the time. I'll try to figure out a nice high place for her to hide up in.
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    It's not very high, only about 4ft tall. It's in a section of the home where I don't go as often so it's slightly secluded for her. Thank you for all your help!
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    My landlord doesn't like holes in the wall so I can't put up shelves. I have her car tree and I can possibly put up a standing shelf for her to get up high. Maybe put her food up there too? I clean her litter box at least once a day, mostly every time she uses it.
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    She loves to hide out under my bed and I have some bins underneath and you can't really see her. She also has a cat tower with a hidey hole she loves laying in. There's a couple other places for her to hide in like under my desk, under a chair, etc. I have a cardboard box I can set out for her...
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    I didn't know cats could have mood stabilizers, I'll definitely ask me vet about it
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    I figured it was due to her not knowing the proper way to play but all of her signs of aggression made me think otherwise. She has not been recently, I was saving up money over the summer to take her but I was going to take her soon. She has a cloudy eye that she was born with but the vet said...
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    It is so random, I could be petting her and she'll bite and usually I stop because I figured she's done with being touched. I don't play with my hands with her, she has a feather toy that use to try to stop biting, and she has a stuffed dog that she likes to attack a lot. She's very skiddish, so...
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    Her behavior when she will bite is aggressive, her tail is lashing and her pupils are dilated and her ears pinned back but she doesn't growl or hiss. She will also go from aggressive to calm very quickly. When I walk down the hallway she will also grab my legs and bite them too depending on her...
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    Hello, I've had my cat Caspy since she was 8 weeks old and she's a year old now. Ever since I adopted her, she's had a very bad biting problem. It's not just little love bites, it's like full on attacking me and leaving punctures in my arms. She got a little better after being spayed but as...
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    Cloudy Eye On Kitten Getting Worse After Medicine

    Yeah, I can call them. I have family friends who go to this vet and say he's wonderful, and it's insanely cheap, which is good for me because I'm a broke college student. I'll call him in the morning and see what he says. Thanks!
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    Cloudy Eye On Kitten Getting Worse After Medicine

    Yeah, her last treatment was on Saturday and I just kept using it because I didn't want to make the infection come back. The first few days it didn't bother her at all and then towards the end of the week is when it did. Thanks for responding!
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    Cloudy Eye On Kitten Getting Worse After Medicine

    Hi, my 5 month old kitten Caspia has had a cloudy eye for all of her life, or at least that's what the woman who gave her to me said. Her eye was only cloudy, there was no discharge and it wasn't swollen, and it didn't seem to bother her at all. I was able to take her to the vet about a week ago...
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    Kitten Is Refusing To Use The Litter Box

    About an hour after I posted this last night, I placed her in one of the boxes and she did pee in it. Around 30 minutes later she decided to poop next to the litter box, so I just placed it in the box. This morning I watched her willingly pee in the second litter box. She hasn't pooped yet, but...
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    Kitten Is Refusing To Use The Litter Box

    Hello, so I just adopted an 8 week old kitten. The woman who I got her from claims she is litter box trained, and that she would use it as would her sister and brother, but she doesn't know what brand of litter she uses apparently. I've had her for four days now, and she has not used it once. I...