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  1. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    His name is Courage which is a bit ironic since he spends most of his time hiding under his box. Though I did catch him the other night pulling insulation out of the wall. He just stopped, turned around and looked at me like, "I weren't doing nuthin'."
  2. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Yes, he was. And evidently, males have their left ear clipped and females have their right ear clipped, so the vet initially thought he was a she. He is missing some teeth but otherwise appeared to be in good shape. He has to go back in a few weeks for the FIV/FelV tests.
  3. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Probably. Except after the vet visit, the title is "prince" rather than "princess." :blackcat2: Didn't eat his canned food last night. May have nibbled on some dry food. I imagine that may be due to the shots and deworming meds he got. Hopefully his appetite returns soon.
  4. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Her appetite now seems almost normal. At least "normal" compared to what she ate outside. Mostly. Outside, she might come for two meals a day but inside she's only eating once a day. But now she's cleaning up her plates like she is having her own private party when alone at night. Except...
  5. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    She didn't eat all day yesterday, but as I was getting new food ready for her and went to give it to her, she had decided to eat a good portion of the food that had been sitting out all day. I threw the rest out and left her with the fresh stuff. She had mostly cleaned up the plates by this...
  6. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Hello, I thought I'd post an update. First, for the benefit of anyone reading this who found this thread searching for information on bringing a feral cat indoors, I would recommend making sure you have everything set up before you start trying to entice the cat to capture it. You just don't...
  7. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Possible. But it's such a straight cut that it seems more likely to have been done with a scalpel or blade.
  8. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Monday evening, after she ate, is when I got her inside the building. She spent the night in a large cage with food, water and a litterbox. Tuesday morning, I saw her getting a drink from the water dish. If she ate, it wasn't much. Tuesday afternoon, I moved her into the bathroom. This...
  9. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    I hope so. I feel like the biggest hurdle right now is eating. Part of me says she'll eat when she gets hungry enough to eat and the other part says "EAT ALREADY!" In between working, I've been trying to check on her and spend a few minutes at a time with her. It seems like maybe she's...
  10. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Our dogs are chihuahuas. They bark at the indoor cats. They bark at anything outside: the neighbors' dogs in their own yards, squirrels in ours, birds, cats, leaves, who knows. Years ago, one upset a deer through the glass. The deer began to stomp its foot and I was afraid she'd charge...
  11. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Thanks. She did throw herself against the door or at least try to run through the glass. (It's a glass door.) It was a blur of fur. I think she may have tried the window too. (It's a low window.) But it was so fast. As soon as she found the door was closed, she hurried back in the other...
  12. N

    Adopted By A Possible-tnr Feral

    Hello, I think we've been adopted by a feral or semi-feral possibly-TNR cat. I think most of my questions have been answered just reading posts on here. But let me give a little background and my questions. We've had an outside cat visiting us at work for about a year or year and a half...