Search Results

  1. genevievem

    Coaxing A Sick Cat Out From Under The Bed??

    My semi feral, Marbles, has ulcers in her mouth and requires buprenorphine every twelve hours. The issue, though, is that she HATES being held/forced into place so after I give her the medicine she usually bolts under my bed and hides for as long as she can. I have to administer her next dose in...
  2. genevievem

    Administering Buprenorphine For The First Time

    I've recently taken in a semi feral cat who had six cavities extracted and came home with a five day supply of .2ml doses of buprenorphine for ulcers all along the roof of her mouth and gums. She's already a very skittish, shy cat so having to also pry her mouth open and squirt liquid against...
  3. genevievem

    One Question About My New Semi Feral Cat

    My family has always fed the ferals and strays in our neighborhood so we're always trying to transition the willing cats into house pets. Recently, I brought in a sweet little girl named Marbles and within the few days she's been here she has adjusted so, so well. If anything, I'm a little...