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  1. N

    Reverse Sneezing Fits

    IMG_01 by nottventures posted Sep 9, 2017 at 1:03 PMIMG_02 by nottventures posted Sep 9, 2017 at 1:03 PM Thanks for the suggestions so far. Here are some photos of him for your troubles. :)
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    Reverse Sneezing Fits

    No x-rays, the vets didn't think it was necessary. Although, I guess they would have to do them of I requested it. I've been leaning toward thinking that it's asthma or some kind of allergy/irritation. I haven't tried any medication, as I wouldn't know what/how much to give and would want the...
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    Reverse Sneezing Fits

    He does get some crusties, but not anything out of this world. They don't inhibit his vision or make him squint. He either cleans them off while grooming or I brush them away, and he's good to go. I might try lysine. I've heard conflicting things about it. I have a co-worker who swears by it...
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    Reverse Sneezing Fits

    Hi, all. New here, so forgive me if I'm not posting in the correct place. I'm at my wit's end at this point. My male kitten, Huxley, will be a year old at the beginning of October. I've had him since he was about 8-10 weeks old. He has always had fits of reverse sneezing. The fits seem...