Search Results

  1. Wendyshin

    Vaccine For Adult Cats

    I adopted an adult stray cat, is it still necessary to give him vaccines? i guess he's 3-5 years old
  2. Wendyshin

    Is It Safe To Use Organic Dog Shampoo To Cats?

    haha cats really are cute
  3. Wendyshin

    Mating Between Male Cats

    yes i'm sure of it
  4. Wendyshin

    Mating Between Male Cats

    I'm worried about my cat, He meows like saying he wants to mate. But i was shocked when i saw Him being mated by a male cat. What does it mean? What should i do? Is it normal?
  5. Wendyshin

    Is It Safe To Use Organic Dog Shampoo To Cats?

    You mean licking their fur? is that their form of bathing? He doesn't smell bad though, but i'll take your advice to use a warm damp washcloth
  6. Wendyshin

    Is It Safe To Use Organic Dog Shampoo To Cats?

    well, i love hugging my cat and i want him to smell nice heehee
  7. Wendyshin

    Is It Safe To Use Organic Dog Shampoo To Cats?

    The ingredients are Organic shampoo base, Moringa oil extract, Eucalyptus oil extract,Oatmeal Extract, Aloe vera extract, and natural fragrance it also says hypoallergenic,removes ticks,mites,fleas and odor and also SLES and parabens Free