Search Results

  1. HippoDisco

    Strange Sleepers: Post Your Cats Strangest Sleeping Positions!

    Obie is a full on weirdo. Also likes to sleep on top of paper shopping bags, in particular.
  2. HippoDisco

    Fleas!!!! Arrrrgh!!!! Please Help.....

    They are awful, aren't they? I never had cats growing up so had never even seen a flea, until last week! Ours are indoor, so it may sound stupid, but it didn't even occur to us to flea treat them. Got some Frontline (which nearly veryone says doesn't work!) on them last Friday (25th Aug)...
  3. HippoDisco

    Does Anyone Here Have Cats And Allergies?

    I am, or was allergic to cats. The reaction used to be so strong that I could be in the same room as one for less than five minutes and start sneezing. This was the case with my dad's previous kitty and my MIL's cats whenever we visited - both are obsessively clean people also so it's not like...