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  1. giraffairy

    Competition: Picture of the Month - June 2023 - Bored Cats!

    **YAWN** not yarn 🙄Early morning typing booboo😁
  2. giraffairy

    Competition: Picture of the Month - June 2023 - Bored Cats!

    ENTRY-Spot I caught this great big sunlit yarn from our baby girl....SO bored.
  3. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    Hi Alldara! Thanks so much for your response. I am trying to stay away from having to do anything with the pee pads unless it is 100% necessary to do so. It would be so much easier if it was always in the same spot-but alas it is different places all the time. I think cmshap is on to something...
  4. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    It is typically a smaller amount. It is VERY rare it is a full pee and that we know is a whole different thing. But you are right... with the kittens it is a smaller amount. Very possible it is marking! These kittens are pretty confident and go through the house with not a care in the world so I...
  5. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    Hi cmshap! Ooh! Maybe that could be what is going on here! I honestly didn't even really think of this. I'm thinking that if that is what is happening that there isn't much to be done about it except all of the things we are doing already. We will just be extra vigilant in keeping things put...
  6. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    The issue isn't that they won't pee in their litter boxes. They do! The happily pee in the box. The problem lies in the fact that if there is a blanket on the couch, or a sweatshirt on the floor, or towels folded and not put away yet.......if one of them is nearby and you don't catch them they...
  7. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    Hi snsanm9006! Thanks for suggesting that! I wondered about doing something like that but then I was afraid it would enforce them peeing on something other than their litter since they do use the litter box to poop and pee. But it is definately worth a try! Thank you so much for your suggestion!
  8. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    Hi Frankie_nova! Thank you so much for the response! To respond to your message: 1. We clean with multiple cleaners designed to eradicate cat urine smell. 2. We have 11 litter boxes spread out in all different locations of our house. 3. We have 2 different litters in use-a pine one and a...
  9. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    Hi iPappy! Thanks for your reply! We do our best to keep all fabric items away. All blankets and everything have been stored and most all other fabrics type items are kept out of reach. We have cleaned using all manner of products-Angry Orange, Resolve Urine Destroyer, Nature's Miracle, Vinegar...
  10. giraffairy

    May have inadvertently "trained" our kittens to pee on fabric...Help!!

    Hello everyone! I have been searching the forums and haven't found anything with my particular situation and I am hopeful you might all have some ideas of what might help. A while ago were having an issue with one of our older cats peeing in the litter box and set up one for her in the bathroom...