Search Results

  1. Firecracker1

    Newly Deaf Furry Baby

    Hi, The vet thinks that my baby Melon is now deaf and since I vacuumed next to him without a reaction which would have sent him running in terror, I agree. He's seen 2 vets multiple times in the last few months, as his eating habits have changed. They don't agree with what the eating problem...
  2. Firecracker1

    Dental Surgery - What To Expect From Extractions?

    Hi, I've never had a kitty have to have extractions during a dental cleaning...the vet said she might have to have quite a few teeth pulled. One has the gum growing over it. I'm a bit worried, as anesthesia is always scary...what can I expect when she comes home? I know I'll have to give her...
  3. Firecracker1

    Chronic Diarrhea For Years

    Hi, I'm new here. One of my babies (Murphy) has had chronic diarrhea for years. Multiple vet trips, different food, prescription food, white rice, pumpkin, I've tried everything I've come across. She also has trouble making it to the box. It's gotten better with steroid injections for a...