Search Results

  1. Ntrope

    I Want To Do The Right Thing

    Without going into great detail about Flower, I know she is on her way out. She is very weak and wobbles a little when she walks, but is still interested in exploring outside, she does not seem to be in pain and purrs when I pet her. She hasn't eaten any meaningful amount of food for several...
  2. Ntrope

    Has Anyone Ever Tried A Baby Nose Aspirator On Their Stuffy Cat?

    I saw one video on YouTube of a man who does this on his cat and she didn't seem to mind and almost looked like she liked it. Anyone here ever try? I'm trying to get creative in helping my little girl breathe easier. Check it out!
  3. Ntrope

    Primalix Immune

    Has anyone ever tried this for their cat?
  4. Ntrope

    Chronically Sick Kitty - Any Thoughts Or Ideas Appreciated

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum but I thought I might show you all my case and see if you had any ideas for helping out my little girl Flower. She has been congested for literally 5 months now. She doesn't sneeze, there is virtually no discharge, just super congested and noisy sinuses. She...