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  1. hunter1534

    One of my 8 week old kittens is smaller than the rest. Have questions.

    I have a litter of 5 and one of them is smaller than the rest. He is NOT thin. I can't feel his bones but his brothers are bigger. He plays alot and eats alot and doesn't seem to be ill. Could he just be unlucky and be naturally smaller? Also his belly is a bit big but I think it's due to how...
  2. hunter1534

    My male cat mated with my pregnant who is due any probably by next week or so. Will this harm the ki

    I think he's managed to mate like 2 times with her during her pregnancy and it's absolutely infuriated me how persistent he is and how unable he is to take a hint to back off even when seperating them. All I'm asking you guys is to put my mind at ease. This won't affect her pregnancy right...
  3. hunter1534

    2 1/2 week old kitten is smaller than the rest of the litter. Some guidance please...

    Hi i have a litter of 6 here and 5 of them are much larger than a this small one here. He shows no signs of being sick. He is just smaller and a tad skinnier. He doesn't cry very much so i'm assuming he is feeding from his mother though i do give him some formula. He is not cold at all. He is...