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  1. P

    advice for dealing with food allergy rash?

    After four months, several vet visits, and a couple different food trials, it's pretty well been determined that my older cat has some severe food allergies. While the vet has said there's not much that can be done for her rash until we figure out what's causing it beyond the shots she's been...
  2. P

    Cat has hair loss and red, patchy skin. History of dermatitis. Possible Allergies?

    I have an appointment to take her to the vet next week, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice about what it might be. When I adopted her, my cat already had a history of dermatitis issues prompted by the severe case of fleas she had when she arrived at the shelter (the attendants told me...
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    I think my kitten might be teething.

    Recently, she's started gnawing on anything she can get her hands on. While she seems to understand that the power cords are off limits (I've done everything I can to block off her ability to get back in where the majority of them are, and she seems to leave the ones that are still out in the...
  4. P

    milky discharge around eyes

    The last few days, I've noticed my kitten has been producing a milky discharge around her eyes. Beyond that, she's been acting perfectly normal. Eating, drinking, sleeping, using the bathroom, she's even making it a little hard to type right now because she's in my lap, trying to pounce my...
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    Older cat has started pouncing/batting at kitten. Can't tell if play or not.

    Occasionally, it's really obvious that she's just playing. Her tail will be straight up in the air, ears will be happily perked, and she'll back off immediately once the kitten makes it clear she's too overwhelmed to play. But there's other times that I've noticed where she'll full on wail on...
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    scabbing after spaying.

    My new kitten was spayed on 04/08. She hasn't shown any issues relating to it, no drainage or redness or gaping of the wound. It appears to be closed fully, and she had absorbent stitches that didn't need to be removed. But there does seem to be a rather large amount of scabbing on the incision...
  7. P

    Older Cat seems frightened of New Kitten

    After having adopted my older cat (4 yr old female) in January and running into a host of anxiety issues for her in the next few months and only being able to cure some of them through therapeutic means, my vet suggested trying to get her a companion in order to ease the isolation when I was...