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  1. F

    Anybody know what this is?

    She has these little bald spots at the base of her ears, she doesn't seem irritated by them in anyway, she's perfectly healthy otherwise. Just wondering if I should be concerned. (Sorry had to use flash as she's black :P)
  2. F

    Litter box advice

    Hi. We have 2 indoor/outdoor cats, one of which we have recently allowed to go outside on his own. Now, we have had 3 litter boxes around whilst he was kept indoors (2 in hallway, one upstairs) and since he's been going out he hasn't used a box in about 3-4 months, my question is will it be...
  3. F

    New kitten peeing everywhere but litter tray!

    Hello, long time lurker first time poster We recently adopted a new male kitten called Rusty last week, who is 10 weeks old, we have another 2 year old female called Bubbles, first day we introduced them, they had the inevitable kitty fights, nothing major, now they seem to tolerate each other...