Search Results

  1. M

    Peeing Outside Of Litter Box

    Okay so BOTH of my cats are peeing outside of the litter box. For the past couple months now it's just been one of them and now i noticed the other is doing it too!!! The one cat was consistently peeing in the same spot every time and now he's changed it to anywhere with clothes. The other one I...
  2. M

    Cat peeing outside of litter box

    Help!! My 9 month old kitten started peeing outside the little box about....1ish month ago? I've had him since he was 3 months and he only had a litter box problem the first few days I had him then he was fine. He still poops in the little box but pees in the exact same spot (corner of the door)...
  3. M

    Sneezing kitten

    My kitten who is 6m old has always been a bit of a sneezer but the past couple days I've noticed he's been sneezing A LOT, practically consintently throughout the day. When he sneezes on me it sprays all over me lol......but I don't know if it's nasal discharge because I don't see anything? He...