Search Results

  1. Ailurophilia5972

    Cat Urination

    My 1 year 2 months tom cat used to pee 2-3 times a day previously. But recently , from January I've observed that he is peeing once everyday in quite an adequate amount. Also along with that he is spraying once or twice everyday. I'll get him neutered this month but before that I needed to...
  2. Ailurophilia5972

    Feline Urinary Obstructions

    Recently my cat has been showing weird behavioural patterns during peeing. Before that I would like to mention that my cat is 1year, 2 months old and is not neutered. The surgery is due on February. Meanwhile he is showing signs of excitement - always screaming and wanting to go outside. A day...
  3. Ailurophilia5972

    Should I get my male1 year old cat neutered ?

    My male cat is 1 year old and unneutered but he doesn't spay or anything. Is that normal and should I get him neutered ? Its my first time keeping a cat , and he is a rescued cat from the streets. He is really calm and sweet but I am very confused about this whole neutering thing. I know what...