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  1. NASCAR Junk

    What is this?

    This is in his ear, it’s been there for a month or so and it bleeds every so often. Idk if it’s a tumor? He’s an old cat, maybe 15 or 16. Something like this happened a few years ago but it got treated. Now it came back. My dad has been giving him ear drops nearly every day but it doesn’t seem...
  2. NASCAR Junk

    Just noticed this while giving him a bath

    I was giving my cat a bath today, he’s about 14 or 15... can’t remember, but I noticed this massive scar and I’m not sure where he got it from. My guess is it was itching and he scratched it until he got to raw skin... I have seen patches of “hairballs” by his eating area but didn’t think much...
  3. NASCAR Junk

    Is my cat okay?

    My cat is about 14 years old. This is the second time I’ve seen him do these weird face movements. What’s likely the reason? I thought something was stuck in his teeth but I couldn’t find anything and he wouldn’t let me look either.