Search Results

  1. Beaniesmom

    My Beanie's Journey

    On Tuesday January 18, 2018 at 1109am my baby Beanie crossed the rainbow bridge. He was 11 years old. He died on the operating room table. About 3 weeks before I noticed he stopped eating. We went to the vet right away, his blood work was in normal range and xrays were negative. We got him...
  2. Beaniesmom


    My 10 year-old male Tuxedo kitty has been losing weight and not eating. We have had 2 blood work ups and xrays. So far he has mildly low Lymphocites, BUN and EOS. We did 2 rounds of antibiotics and sub q fluids. Xrays were negative. We are going for an ultrasound at the end of the week. If it is...