Search Results

  1. leopard_cats

    White Poop And Diarrhea- 12 Week Old Kitten

    I have two Bengal kittens. One of them (not sure which) often has liquidy and white stools. Our breeder warned us about the color due to dewormer, but the deworming process took 2 weeks ago. So this leads me to my question, how long is the appropriate time for these symptoms to occur after a...
  2. leopard_cats

    Small Kitten Hates Moving Around?

    I have two Bengal kittens. My male does NOT like moving or jumping. In general, he plays well with his sister and seems to eat and use the litterbox. My only problem is that he doesn't really like jumping or moving. He would mostly stay on the floor, and rarely climbs anything, and when he is on...
  3. leopard_cats

    Coarse Fur Vs. Soft Fur

    So I recently adopted two Bengal kittens. A girl and a boy. They both have wonderful personalities, always jumping and playing, and eating very well. What worries me is that Phoebe, the female, has beautiful soft fur. Atlas, the male, has pretty rough fur, that is not very nice to pet. I have...