Search Results

  1. OhlookyyitsCourtney

    Kitten Not Covering His Waste

    Hi there, my 4-month-old kitten doesn't seem to be covering his waste in the litter box. I have asked my breeder and she said that he used to cover it. I have already changed his litter because I was giving him the brand "the world's best cat litter" which is made out of corn, so I changed it to...
  2. OhlookyyitsCourtney

    Litter Box Size

    Hi there, I am a recent cat owner and got my 4-month-old kitty a covered litter box. I recently noticed that sometimes he would have a small piece of poop stuck onto his fur (he is a shorthair). So I would clean him with a damped paper towel, but he doesn't like it very much. I'm trying to...
  3. OhlookyyitsCourtney

    Kitten Pooping On Leather Couch

    Hi everyone, I am a new cat owner. I got my little Mochi last week and he is 4 months old. I have the litter box, food and a cat tree set up upstairs. When I took him home, he was using the litter box except he would not cover his waste. Everything else seems fine. A couple of days ago he was...