Search Results

  1. JFinn002

    Picking The Right Litter Box

    Hey all! So I posted a few weeks back that my cat, Binx, was having litter box issues, specifically peeing over the wall of the box. Well he's been doing great with only one accident in the last two weeks! While I'm thrilled my fur son is doing well, due to his Feline Lower Urinary Tract...
  2. JFinn002

    Peeing Outside The Box

    Hey all, so this one isn't so cut and dry. My cat, Binx, has had a recent bout of bad bladder happenings. We've taken him to the vet several times now and he has been diagnosed with Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, but I'm happy to report he's on the mend. Now here is the problem: he's...
  3. JFinn002

    Well, He's Still Scratching...

    Hello all! I've been on here a few times asking for advice for my cat Binx's scratching problem. Mr. Binx seems to have made it his mission to kill all the cupboard doors in my apartment AND search out any chip he can find. No I didn't start that habit. I will attribute that habit to him wanting...
  4. JFinn002

    Cat Scratching Cupboard Doors

    Please help me. My cat of 1.5 years is scratching up my landlady's new kitchen cupboard doors. My landlady is furious even though I offered to pay for the damages and to make a long story short we may or may not have to look for a new place to live next year. I'm NOT giving up my cat, so I could...
  5. JFinn002

    Food Loving Cat Climbs On Counters/opens Cupboards

    Hi everyone! So I have this ongoing problem with my cat, Binx. Binx is a year and a half old and we are feeding him a diet of grain free dry cat food with a little wet food at night. We are feeding him just as much as the bag tells us too, and our vet says that he is perfectly healthy and we...
  6. JFinn002

    Bored Kitten: What Do I Do?

    Hello! So about a month and a half ago I became a cat mom to a little black kitten named Binx. He's a sweety (even if he does drive mummy nuts sometimes) but I've noticed a drop in his energy in the last month or so. When we first brought him home, we played with him every night between 7-8 pm...