Search Results

  1. maxandmolly

    Worlds Best Cat Litter Safe For Kittens

    I’m fostering a momma and her 6 kittens. The babies will be 4 weeks tomorrow and in the last 2 days they’ve begun showing interest in litter boxes. Of course out of their curiosity the first thing they did was eat it. I’m currently using Worlds Best. Is it safe for kittens to use? If they try to...
  2. maxandmolly

    Bone In Vs Boneless

    Newbie to kittens and definite newbie to raw feeding. Dealing with percentages of meat/organ/bone is stressing me out and making me rethink raw. I don’t have a grinder and don’t intend to get one anytime soon. So I’ve been looking at the preground stuff on Hare Today. Is it bad if I just use...
  3. maxandmolly

    Raw Kitten Food

    In just a few weeks I’ll be bringing home 2 eight week old kittens. Originally I was planning on mixing dry kibble and wet. Then I found this website, so now I’m leaning towards raw. I plan on using hare today, because I don’t have any desire to grind my own meat. I’m concerned because I work...
  4. maxandmolly

    New Kittens

    I am soon adopting 2 eight week old kittens. I’ve done lots of research on food types. I plan on mixing dry kibble with wet/raw/freeze dried?! Dry food I’m leaning towards Orijen Cat & Kitten Dry food? Is this a good choice? I plan on leaving it out so they can graze as desired. Wet I’ve...