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  1. O

    Lactulose- your experience

    My 18 yr old 6lb male kitty has constipation/hard stool issues like I posted the other day. The vet prescribed lactulose today for him. They want me to give him 3ml 3x's a day- every 8 hours. I know she also mentioned I could do it 2x's a day but have to reread the dosage. He has not had...
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    18 year old cat having trouble pooping

    I have an 18 yr old cat. His poop is very hard and comes out in balls. He struggles so. I put laxotone on his paws in the morning per the vet. He is otherwise a happy cat. Loves to eat and purrs all the time. He is struggling again today. I even took him for a car ride because the last...
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    Litter Box Recommendations

    I have 5 cats... Adopted 3 of my sons cats. I have 2 neutered male cats that stand up to urinate and will back up to end of the litter box and pea out over the box. The box I have now is 9.5" high and they still shoot out over. Any recommendations? I used a tote before but the urine gets...
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    Cat Going Outside Litter Box/pee Pads

    My son has 3 cats. He recently had a huge life change- his wife left him and the cats must be able to pick up on his stress. After she was gone for about 4 weeks he became very depressed. One of the cats started pooping on the floor. The other started with the runs and would go in the box...
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    Flying With Cat- Please Help

    We have to fly my son's 2 cats home due to his inability to care for them. They are on the larger side and at least 10" tall. We have tickets with Southwest and their regulation on the pet carrier is 9.5" high, 17.5" long, 10" wide- preferably a soft carrier. They say the cat must be able...