Search Results for Query: seizures

  1. kvonkiro

    CBD Oil and seizures

    Hello. I am new to this site. Any one use CBD oil for feline seizures
  2. alysker

    Traumatized by cat seizures

    ...weekend of terror. One night she had a seizure in my bed, the next day we went to the vet and they said it's all fine. She got about 5 more seizures that day. We got medicine for her but instead of big seizures she just walked around in a daze with small seizures all day. On Sunday night I...
  3. GranolaLouise

    Focal Seizures

    ...strange behavior which I see on You Tube is very common in older cats. So many are posting about their cat having something called focal seizures which cause the head to have a mild tremor for a few seconds and also other muscular 'jerks. My cat has a mild head tremor for a few seconds and...
  4. J

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    ...produces antibodies to fight what it thinks is bad even though there is nothing underlying. This then causes brain inflammation which causes seizures. From some research it is more common in older cats, but mine is only 4 years old. All I can find online is very clinical vet trial papers so...
  5. kvonkiro

    CBD Oil and seizures

  6. fionasmom

    CBD Oil and seizures

    Search Results for Query: cbd oil seizures If you go through some of these threads, you will find comments and experiences with the use of CBD oil. Some discuss seizures and its use. If your cat is having seizures, I would not use CBD oil as a first line treatment if the vet has not been...
  7. T

    Cat seizures

    ...normal after a minute. I’ve noticed sometimes these episodes happen if she is licking her side. Can’t imagine that has anything to do with it. I don’t know if these are seizures but I’m so afraid she will hurt herself . I am going to call the vet for a appt Monday, she needs her yearly anyways.
  8. S

    Help! Pawing at face and acting like in extreme pain

    I don’t believe it is seizures either but they want to try medication for seizures to see. He started on medication last night. if this doesn’t work then they will refer me to a more advanced place for neurology . He would need a mri.
  9. H

    Need help please - Seizures

    ...they did a physical exam and found nothing. This happened three more times following the same sequence: yowling - vomiting - seizure. The seizures are 1-2 weeks apart. We've done blood work and ultrasounds and everything seems to be normal. I have a neurology referral for him that I'm waiting...
  10. fionasmom

    Help! Pawing at face and acting like in extreme pain

    I am not trying to diagnose your cat, but the seizures I have seen in cats were not confined to pawing at the face. There was more of a loss of consciousness/awareness of surroundings, falling over, stiffening, and drooling. Seizures are complicated and those are not the only symptoms though...
  11. josiegirl

    CBD Oil and seizures

    What does your cat eat? Does it contain gluten? Like corn gluten, wheat gluten? There has been some evidence that gluten can cause seizures in cats that are sensitive to it. I had a client whose cat developed seizures and when I suggested she get it off the gluten-containing food her cat was...
  12. neely

    Traumatized by cat seizures

    You're no alone since many of us can relate to your experience, if not with seizures then another terrifying illness. Our dog had a grand mal seizure after being diagnosed with an uncommon autoimmune illness followed by more seizures. Although none of our cats ever had a seizure they did have...
  13. B

    Poorly managed seizures in kitten

    Our kitten is 4-5 months old and has been dealing with seizures for two months now. Phenobarbital didn’t seem to work. Gabapentin did but she’s horrible at consistently taking her medicine. We have to mix in a powder into pate. We took her to the ER the other night because she had a high fever...
  14. B

    Kitten with seizures isn't getting her medicine

    I'm at my wits end. One of our foster’s kittens has suddenly broke out with seizures three-four weeks ago. She is 4 months old. She was running a low temp with a ridiculously high WBC. Our vet isn't sure what happened. After two weeks of Clindamycin and twice daily Gabapentin, she had four days...
  15. Mugenthemaincoon


    ...Maincoon/Neutered. My cat has no previous medical history, apart from feline gingivitis as a kitten. This year has recently had seizures after passing hairballs. First one happened after eating breakfast, my partner was woken up to the sound of the cat screaming, when he went to find him...
  16. S

    Help! Pawing at face and acting like in extreme pain

    Having episodes where he seems to be in a lot of pain, then paws at his eye and mouth. Vet said there was an infection in his roots and removed some teeth. 3 days later while healing, they started again. The vet thinks maybe seizures.
  17. Alldara

    Seeking Help. I don't know what is wrong with my cat and neither does my vet.

    ...blood pressure or blood clots. Unfortunately, you're really likely to need more testing for your cat. There's so many things that cause seizures and until you identify the cause, you won't be able to get treatment to stop them. I've had dogs with seizures before and they had to have a scan...
  18. fionasmom

    Seeking Help. I don't know what is wrong with my cat and neither does my vet.

    ...already been told that. These conditions are hard to pinpoint, which is why your vet did not make a guess. To me, these episodes look like seizures. If they are, as they continue in frequency, the brain becomes accustomed to them and they intensify. Keep in mind that I am not diagnosing your...
  19. posiepurrs

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    My Jack has been on phenobarbital for close to a year now with no problems. His seizures did increase so the vets added keppra and gabapentin. No seizures since. I chose not to have the MRI done due to cost ( on a fixed income)and because 2 vets told me that it would not change the prognosis...