Search Results for Query: atopica

  1. L

    Atopica problem

    ...Jax has been licking his stomach raw on and off for months and nothing over the counter was working. I took him to the vet and she suggested atopica so hes been on that for a week and a half. The red spots look so much better but he himself is not doing so well. He has lost most of his...
  2. fionasmom

    Atopica problem

    Search Results for Query: atopica These are some threads about the use of Atopica. Cyclosporine - Oral | VCA Canada Animal Hospitals It does sound as if Jax is having some of the listed side effects to Atopica. If his refusal to eat were to become severe, there could be other issues; I would...
  3. fionasmom

    Atopica problem

    I think that you are doing the right thing to refer this to a cat vet as the use of Atopica can vary from dogs to cats. Let us know what you find out.
  4. PushPurrCatPaws

    Atopica problem

  5. L

    Atopica problem dog to a local vet a couple weeks ago because the distance was a lot shorter and he hates car rides. The vet that prescribed him the atopica advised to take him off of it but didnt offer much more advice. I was just wondering if his symptoms were common with atopica and if anyone else...
  6. PushPurrCatPaws

    Atopica problem

    @Lindsayj014 How is you cat doing? Were you able to see a vet again? I haven't had to use atopica for any of my cats, but I do think I've heard of cats using it every 2 or 3 days, once it has initially given as a daily dose and there was improvement. You could check with the vet on this...
  7. L

    Atopica problem

    ...have an infection and his kidney and liver levels were okay. She called me today and said everything came back normal. Jax has been off atopica since wednesday and has definitely perked up and is more like himself. His appetite could be better, he still wont eat his dry food, just the...
  8. S

    Atopica problem of the tiny percentage of cats that did not respond to the injections and after 9 months I discontinued them. That is when I tried the Atopica. It was new in the market for cats, although Cyclosporine has been around for a long time. There was allot of blood testing I had to do first on...
  9. FeebysOwner

    Elimination diet

    If Atopica is an issue for her, ask about an antihistamine in lieu of that. I don't know if there is any issue between that and the CBD oil, but you can ask. A lot of human beings routinely take antihistamines to help with all sorts of allergies, food and environmental.
  10. heatherwillard0614

    Itching cat

    Has the vet found any reason she may be over grooming and scratching so much? I hope the atopica works for her. Poor girl it's gotta be uncomfortable. Is she scratching to the point of bleeding?
  11. K

    Liver Disease, Cholestasis Cat

    How is Chaz doing with the atopica now?
  12. L

    Stomatitis a steroid shot today. I’m overwhelmed and stressed. Are there other medications/diets I should try to decrease the flare ups? I was told about Zyrtec, Solensia, and Atopica but my vet said no to them. Please help! I just want my baby to be better. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you!
  13. fionasmom

    Lily (probably) has an abscess

    Search Results for Query: atopica Search Results for Query: allergy shots A few of the threads about allergy shots will be in the Lounge and are about members themselves rather than their cats I am glad that the anal gland issue is resolved and that she feels so much better on that account at...
  14. fionasmom

    Liver Disease, Cholestasis Cat

    Search Results for Query: atopica I don't know if any of the search results from TCS re: Atopica will help. None of this will help, but I have cats who hate A/D and have reacted to pills in the same way that Chaz is. It just makes everything that much harder. You are doing the right thing to...
  15. C

    Cylavance [Atopica]

    Hi, My cat is on the last resort treatment for atopic dermatitus we had previously gone through every other pathway. She is currently on cyclavance every 2 days. We can't get passed this dosage as soon as we try for every 3 days her licking become unbearable and sore's start opening again. It...
  16. LeiLana80

    Bitter Atopica

    I have spoken on here before of my cat with severe skin issues, so I won't go into too much detail. He was on Atopica for about 6 weeks, and allergy food, and he HEALED. A normal cat again! Thank God! However, we took a break from the meds, and I saw him start to scratch again, and this week I...
  17. L

    Atopica problem

    ...supplement the vet suggested and if it still continues after that i will ask about the other tests you mentioned. I really dont want him on atopica or steroids, even at a lower dose. He is doing so much better as far as his behavior and eating habits go now. He didnt have a very good...
  18. C

    Scabs and Itching

    My cat is having a serious problem with scabs and itching and we have tried brevecto and prednisone and atopica and antibiotics. Nothing is working. I live to far away from a actual dermatologist. About 4 hours away. Still trying to see if anything is possible. We had tried a food trial and now...
  19. heatherwillard0614

    Itching cat

    ...and changing the litter Rosie has been getting better. What I don't understand is if the vet thought it was only behavioral why put her on Atopica.. I think the vet suspects she has some skin allergies I'll attach a link about cyclosporine for you to take a look at. It is very...
  20. T

    Itching cat

    He put Twinkie ( our other cat who went with us) on the Atopica, she has scratched and groomed all her fur off her neck . We have been twice this year for the same thing for her and he normally gave her antibiotics and a steroid shot. He didn't want to give her steroids anymore. He didn't give...