Search Results for Query: pancreatitis

  1. Kola


    I have an 8 year old rescue diagnosed with pancreatitis. Under vets care. Takes maropitant n prednisone. Working on diet. At one time I thought I would lose her but have turned corner but still not feeling well. Her poop is inbetween normal n runny n smells vile. I imagine her tummy is not...
  2. T

    Cat on Miralax for Pancreatitis

    My cat is 14yo, orange domestic shorthair mail; has pancreatitis for at least 2 years. He was on paxil transdermal for 4 years, then changed to prozac due to constipation. He was still constipated on Prozac transdermal (but better) and he was started on daily Miralax. I cannot be sure exactly...
  3. Pianistbarista

    Cat severely lethargic but vet can’t figure out anything physically wrong

    ...they did blood tests- everything normal except for elevated liver values, so they sent us home with supplements. Our home vet suspected pancreatitis, so she prescribed cerenia and mirtizapine. A week later things had still not improved, and he was starting to eat less, so we took him to an...
  4. F

    Featured Ursodiol for pancreatitis and Cartrophen for FIC/Arthritis. list we get to add FIC instead of FLUTD to this poor guy. I wanted to put this info out there for others who have a cat with GI/Pancreatitis issues and constipation or FIC so they can talk to their vet about it if they see any parallels with their own cat in this information and think...
  5. 1yss2332

    Does my cat have the stomach flu?

    Beginning on Friday night, my cat Mozart started to act differently. He kept on throwing up, wasn’t eating anything, lethargic, and had diarrhea. I immediately went to the emergency vet to see what was going on. He had his vitals checked, blood drawn, and X-rays done. The vet wasn’t able to...
  6. Kasper111

    Cat with kidney disease symptoms but blood test showing all normal.

    Is it possible for cat to get kidney disease without showing anything wrong in the comprehensive and CBC blood test? My cat shows every sign of kidney disease like dry mouth, frequent urination (Approx 10 times a day), low appetite, weight loss. Our previous vet foolishly claimed my cat...
  7. R

    Cat not eating much in days all tests have been clear

    On Friday our cat started throwing up she was still eating but would throw up that continued on Saturday. On Sunday we took her to urgent care they gave her anti naseau she fluid she stopped throwing up but hasn't eaten much since. On Monday we also took her to an Emergency vet and Tuesday her...
  8. profcat

    14 year old cat appetite issues and we're stumped

    Our cat Lucy is 14 and has had regular healthy checkups. Last summer we noticed she was having trouble holding food in her mouth when she ate, so we brought her to the vet who found she had broken her lower jaw. We think she was running around and ran into something. She plays hard for a cat her...
  9. taomom

    Miralax and Pancreatitis

    I saw some statistics online showing that Miralax which is supposed to help cats poop can cause pancreatitis, what do you all think of these:
  10. valentine445

    Cat vomiting yellow liquid/X-Ray inconclusive

    My 3yo male cat has been vomiting 6 times a day since yesterday and twice today. I took him to the vet and they gave him a shot to help stop the vomiting (which he did stop) and prescribed him with Sucralfate and ‘Omeprazole + Sodium bicarbonate’ to eat twice a day before his meals. He is very...
  11. S

    Cat Hasn’t Eaten in 4 Days

    ...have thrown up after the anti nausea injection. When I got there with him we decide to do another blood test that also tests for pancreatitis. Winston spent the day there and they did another x ray at the end of the day that showed the bips were moving through his system nicely. He was given...
  12. Musiaka

    In desperate need for help with vomiting

    I just don't know what to do anymore and it feels like having my cat is the biggest curse in my life. I dread waking up in the morning to all this vomit. Tried so much to try and at least minimize the frequency and all it has done is make it worse. Right now he pukes every single day and if it's...
  13. syzygycat


    Anyone have luck with their cats eating lard? I'm trying to find ways to boost the calories it my skinny CKD cats diet. She barely finishes a 3 ounce can of food a day. Is loosing weight too fast. I tried the more traditional tricks, thought straight animal fat would work, nope. None of my...
  14. T

    Gastroenteritis and recovery timeline?

    Yes me again and this time a different cat (8-month old male kitten). Oliver had been having some loose stools for a bit and we thought he was having issues with hairballs maybe so we were trying a few different things. This progressed to diarrhea with him vocalizing in the box and some...
  15. G

    IBS ? Puking daily

    My cat is 11 . He’s been to the vet and they did labs for everything , thyroid , diabetes , all the stuff . I really thought he had thyroid issues but they said his labs are normal . The only thing left to do was an ultrasound and I don’t have funds for that right now . He likely has IBS...
  16. Cheeky_Moose

    Cat Refusing to Eat

    Hi All, Bear with me on the background- my sweet tuxie Beckett (7 yrs, neutered) has completely gone off his food since late Wednesday (3.5 days now…). He has always been an anxious soul and has FLUTD so he’s on a wet diet. He gets the vast majority of his water via his food as he rarely drinks...
  17. freddie.and.ramona

    I'm at a loss with my cat's GI issues - need advice!

    I’m at a loss and need some advice and/or any insight anyone may have. I have a 6 year-old male Devon Rex named Freddie with (what I’m guessing) is IBD. Him and his sister (litter mates) have always been very picky with food and prone to throwing up but he is much worse off and has more...
  18. T

    Loss of appetite not sure how much longer we should "wait it out" before investigating further. I'm not sure if the blood test included testing for pancreatitis, so wonder if we should be exploring that, in addition to further trying to find the source of loss of appetite, such as: ultrasound, xray, pain...
  19. Q

    Food options

    I have a 16 y/o Persian cat who was just diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, mitral regurgitation, and hypertension. He has been placed on the appropriate meds, and due to see cardiologist on October 3rd. He never had a large appetite and most he’s weighed is perhaps 12 pounds or so...
  20. franklinsmother

    Eating Issues- dental/mouth?

    Sorry for another post! Franklin is not sneezing as much anymore, yay! However, the eating has not increased to where it use to be. I am starting to think they aren’t connected at all. Franklin has always been sneezy and the decreased appetite only happened a week or two ago. What causes...