Search Results for Query: gallbladder and liver issues

  1. Musiaka

    Excessive pooping

    My cat that has gallbladder issues, chronic pancreatitis and possible IBD. We just went through a very rough patch during which I also tried to switch him to a better diet but eventually gave in and went back to Purina’s Gourmet Gold (Fancy feast). That’s when he stabilised, got back his...
  2. F

    Featured Ursodiol for pancreatitis and Cartrophen for FIC/Arthritis.

    So we are back at it again with Charlie. Among his long health list we get to add FIC instead of FLUTD to this poor guy. I wanted to put this info out there for others who have a cat with GI/Pancreatitis issues and constipation or FIC so they can talk to their vet about it if they see any...
  3. L

    Liver issues in 8 year old cat

    Hello, I took my 8 year old cat Jax to the vet a couple days ago due to him acting a little off. He has not been as energetic and vocal as he usually is. Blood tests were ran and came back with high liver levels. His ALT was 356, ALKP was 186 and GGT was 41 on an interval of 1-4. The vet said...
  4. J

    In desperate need for help with vomiting

    I have a cat, Lindsey, who almost never has intestinal issues except when given canned food containing carrageenan. That is a non-nutritive additive that you can avoid with a number of canned foods, such as those made by Wellness. I would also avoid the obvious garbage that in no way benefits...
  5. MissClouseau

    hepatic lipidosis & hospice scheduled tomorrow - is it time to stop force feeding or is there hope still??

    I have seen cats with worse liver enzymes that made complete recovery. Liver is great at healing. If the issue was gallbladder, she can even live without a gallbladder (after her liver heals enough for a surgery. If that ever is necessary.) If it becomes necessary she can also get a feeding...
  6. GenCat

    In desperate need for help with vomiting

    What is the "good quality" food? Will try to spot anything that may be triggering him.
  7. Musiaka

    In desperate need for help with vomiting

    I just don't know what to do anymore and it feels like having my cat is the biggest curse in my life. I dread waking up in the morning to all this vomit. Tried so much to try and at least minimize the frequency and all it has done is make it worse. Right now he pukes every single day and if it's...
  8. M

    Liver issues in 8 year old cat

    I know this is an older post, but I just joined and came across it. How is Jax? Has your vet looked more into the liver? My little guy ended up with major problems, including seizure due to a liver shunt and it took months to figure it all out until I recently had him to the ER and he is...
  9. rentuna

    Our little warrior

    thank you, and yes. He was the most gentle and loving :( he groomed my hair sometimes and chewed on my ears lol and he pet my face and slept on my head and chest..I hope he is alright now. His little brother (our dog,Ren) fell a little sick too...heart issues and gallbladder -liver.. he still is...
  10. MissClouseau

    hepatic lipidosis & hospice scheduled tomorrow - is it time to stop force feeding or is there hope still??

    GGT is gallbladder. That seems to be normal. Her liver enzymes are high but I have seen higher. We have seen ALT of 1000 on TCS, and higher bilirubin that made recovery. I didn’t realize she was 14! She looks much younger. With cats with liver issues they get nausea and abdomen pain over...
  11. Chaz Galloway

    Liver Disease, Cholestasis Cat

    Im so sorry you're having the same troubles. It is very distressing because the symptoms never seem to improve no matter what you give them. I've been dealing with this for 6 months and am completely spent. Have you had IBD ruled out? In my cats case, he did not have the correlation with IBD so...
  12. Musiaka

    Any advice before surgery? I'm scared

    I did ask that when I talked to the surgeon that we were booked at. She said that ibd creates serious issues when it comes to healing after the surgery. There is no way he could be earting his previous food after it. I also talked to a vet from another clinic that offers gallbladder removal...
  13. Musiaka

    Should we go on prednisolone?

    Yes, but it works differently in cats. Liver, gallbladder, pancreas etc are all interconnected. Without his gallbladder, Musiaka will have to be on a special low-fat diet. It's extremely difficult to find a food that he will eat, there are several threads of me searching for a healthier food he...
  14. MissClouseau

    Should we go on prednisolone?

    It's nearly impossible to be sure if Musiaka's vomiting would go away if the gallstones were to go away but it's also entirely possible chronic inflammation is caused by gallbladder issues and gallstones IS a gallbladder issue. And on that... This is only true sometimes and only in some cases...
  15. MissClouseau

    hepatic lipidosis & hospice scheduled tomorrow - is it time to stop force feeding or is there hope still??

    Liver issues are usually secondary. It's usually like the actual problem is with the gallbladder/bile ducts, or somewhere else and liver gets affected from that. As you know hepatic lipidosis can be the result of not eating alone. Liver makes a recovery most of the time with the right treatment...
  16. Musiaka

    Should we go on prednisolone?

    He had vomiting flareups before he had gallstones. I have Musiaka's old journal where his ultrasound in 2019 is described in details. He had no gallstones. And we did the ultrasound when he had a major episode. I have repeated this several times in this thread and people still urge me to go...
  17. MissClouseau

    Should we go on prednisolone?

    Gallstones can be caused by bile sludging and bile sludging alone can also cause vomiting flareups and liver issues. Anything about gallbladder affect liver and then pancreas over time. Read above, if there is pancreatitis gallbladder might the main cause of that. If so, treating pancreatitis...
  18. D

    End of life care: Liver disease and fluid in the lungs?

    Just wanted to update on Dex, so his heart ultrasound came back all clear (so not sure about the fluid around the lungs it’s clearly connected to the other issues). His ultrasound shows his liver swollen, part of his intestine and a swollen lymph node. Possibly lymphoma or they think maybe...
  19. MissClouseau

    Meet Zoe - questions on high blood test results

    Does she go long hours without food? Liver-gallbladder issues alone can make a cat puke like that but with that, or something acid reflux, puking like that is pretty common. Even without any chronic health issue puking more than their younger years is common among senior cats (or senior humans...
  20. cat nap

    hepatic lipidosis & hospice scheduled tomorrow - is it time to stop force feeding or is there hope still??

    Not sure if Lulu had gallbladder issues before the hepatic lipidosis...since the primary vet's Bloodwork...only showed a GGT of 5 ...then ER was 18....then mobile vet was...17 (normal range 0-6). Cholesterol went from 342...then...405 (91-305 range) (I would have thought that the ggt...